The Cultural Conservancy

The Cultural Conservancy

The Cultural Conservancy (TCC) is a Native-led organization based in unceded Ohlone land, also known as San Francisco, California. Since its founding in 1985, TCC has been dedicated to its mission of protecting and revitalizing Indigenous cultures through the direct application of traditional knowledge and practices, on ancestral lands throughout Turtle Island, Abya Yala (the Americas) and Moananuiākea (the Pacific). TCC works on a wide variety of community-based projects from sacred site protection to the revitalization of endangered languages and song traditions and the renewal of traditional Native foodways, including their podcast, The Native Seed Pod. In 2019 TCC purchased and began stewarding, a 7.6 acre property in the sovereign territories of Coast Miwok and Southern Pomo peoples of Northern California, named Heron Shadow, which provides a haven for conservation and regeneration of Indigenous agriculture, Native Sciences and healthy lifeways.